Welcome to the J.A.L.C. Advisement Blog!

Jane Minton, Director of Advisement at John A. Logan College, is the author of this blog.
She will attempt to inform you of important events relevant to academic advisement at the College.

Friday, October 9, 2009

First step to prepare for advisement -- online or with your advisor.

Take a look at your curriculum guide. Every student has one. Your advisor should have given you a copy but if you don't have one (for whatever reason), print a blank one from JALC Degrees and Certificates . On the line next to each class, write the grade you earned in each class you've completed. Write FL 09 on the line next to any classes you are currently taking.

The remainder of the classes on the list are classes you will need to take to earn your degree whether it is a transfer or a vocational degree. Your total number of credit hours for a two year degree is about sixty-two, depending upon the degree. You will find the number (usually in the upper right-hand corner of the page). That number says "Minimum Hrs."

Look over the classes you have left to take and consider planning classes for your next semester or even all of your remaining semesters.

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